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Hanlon Law is a premier criminal defense law firm in St. Petersburg, Florida. In a recent update, the firm shared the importance of hiring a criminal defense attorney.

(St. Petersburg, FL January 2022) In a website post, Hanlon Law has highlighted why someone should hire a St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney and what sets them apart from other firms.

If you have been charged with a sex crime, a gun crime, a drug crime, or any other criminal offense, you should retain legal counsel from a defense attorney at Hanlon Law. What makes the firm and its top criminal attorney William Hanlon unique is his adept understanding of each of his client’s circumstances along with his determination in protecting his client’s future and freedom. William and his legal team work hard to provide a vigorous defense for their clients. Alongside that, here are the other reasons why one should hire a criminal defense attorney at Hanlon Law.

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Hanlon Law, a criminal defense firm in St. Petersburg, Florida recently discussed some of the key reasons to hire a St. Petersburg DUI lawyer after being arrested for DUI. Currently, Hanlon Law offers exceptional legal services and has defended thousands of clients accused of a myriad of DUI charges.

(St. Petersburg, FL January 2022) Attorney William Hanlon, a St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney, recently discussed some of the key reasons to hire a DUI lawyer after being arrested for DUI. The St. Petersburg criminal defense law firm said they are currently one of the few legal teams that strategizes a more in-depth approach in defending their clients. This is because they handle DUI cases daily, from arrest to trial, and know some of the best defense strategies in representing their clients.

A Florida DUI is a serious criminal offense that may carry either misdemeanor or felony penalties. According to the criminal attorneys at Hanlon Law, the penalty for a DUI misdemeanor or a felony can range from probation to jail depending on the client’s background and the nature of the facts.  They added that DUI charges only result after it is proven that someone is operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In most cases, if the blood alcohol level is 0.8% or more during the time of arrest. They further noted that DUIs have different penalties, and each is handled differently depending on the circumstances leading to them.

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Hanlon Law, a criminal defense law firm based in St. Petersburg, Florida explains reasons why someone should hire a domestic violence attorney after being accused of domestic violence. Having an experienced St. Petersburg domestic violence lawyer working for you can make a tremendous difference in the outcome for you and your family.

(St. Petersburg, FL January 2022) Hanlon Law recently explained reasons to hire a domestic violence attorney after being accused of domestic violence. The staff at the firm is passionate about what they do, with criminal law being their sole area of practice. They are highly experienced and have been defending and fighting for their clients’ rights since 1994.

The firm pointed out that hiring a St. Petersburg domestic violence attorney can help minimize potential consequences. They explained that this is the most important reason anyone facing domestic charges should hire a domestic violence lawyer. They mentioned that a domestic violence lawyer should possess the knowledge of local state Florida laws pertaining to domestic violence. Clients facing such charges can rely on them to act in their best interest and adequately fight for their rights to reduce charges or earn them an acquittal. Also, they noted that they have extensive skills in investigating the crucial details involved in a domestic case to help figure out what really transpired.

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While a lack of understanding of the law is often not a sufficient defense, the State must still show that the defendant intended to commit a crime in many criminal cases. As a result, if the State cannot prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt, a reversal of a conviction or non-guilty verdict may be appropriate. This was proved in a recent Florida case in which the defendant’s conviction for driving while his license was suspended was overturned because the State failed to prove he did so deliberately. If you have been charged with driving while your license is suspended or any other crime, you should consult with a skilled Florida criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to discuss your options.

The Case’s Details

According to reports, a police officer stopped the defendant and charged him with driving while his license was suspended and carrying marijuana in excess of 20 grams. The defendant petitioned for acquittal before the trial, but it was denied. He was found guilty of the charges after the trial. He argued that the State failed to fulfill its burden of proof in his conviction for driving on a suspended license. Following a review, the appellate court concurred, and his conviction was overturned.

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Battery is a severe charge that carries weighty penalties. Additionally, if a person convicted of battery is later found guilty of another crime, their penalties may be increased. In most cases, crimes are classified according to their severity, and convictions for more egregious crimes can result in long prison sentences. A Florida court recently reviewed how previous record points are assessed for crimes that are not classified by degree in a case where the defendant claimed his prior convictions for battery and other charges were unjustly calculated. If you are charged with battery or any other crime, it is in your best interest to  consult with an experienced Florida criminal defense attorney to discuss your options for seeking a just result.

History of the Case

Allegedly, the defendant was charged with battery, kidnapping, and other offenses. He was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. He filed a motion in July 2020, alleging that the life sentence he received for kidnapping was excessive. In other words, he argued that his sentencing guideline scorecard was inaccurate because his previous conviction was in the early 1970s when Florida crimes were not classified by degrees. Additionally, he asserted that because the degrees of his previous convictions were not defined, they should have been classified as third-degree felonies. The court denied his petition and he appealed.

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People accused of DUI violations and other crimes have the right to a fair trial. As a result, if a judge sitting over a criminal case exhibits undue prejudice against the defendant, it may be possible to argue that the judge should not be allowed to preside over the case. In a recent judgment delivered in a DUI case, a Florida court explained what a defendant seeking a writ of prohibition banning a judge from hearing a case must prove. If you’ve been charged with a DUI, it’s a good idea to speak with a Florida DUI defense lawyer to discuss your options.

The Case’s Background

According to reports, the defendant was charged with multiple alcohol-related offenses, including DUI (driving under the influence) with significant physical injury and property damage. He was released on bond, but was later arrested and charged with a number of crimes, including vessel homicide and boating while intoxicated.

According to reports, his bond was revoked by the trial court, and the State filed a motion for pretrial custody, citing a past DUI conviction in another state. After determining that the State met the threshold for proving that pre-trial custody was required, the court granted the application. After being acquitted, the defendant filed a petition for a writ of prohibition to prevent the assigned trial judge from continuing to preside over his criminal case. After his move for reconsideration was denied, he also filed a petition for review of the pretrial detention order. Continue reading →

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Providing false information to an insurance company in an effort to obtain benefits is a crime in Florida. Simply because an insurer does not rely on false information offered by an insured does not mean that an insured cannot be convicted of insurance fraud for offering such information. The State’s burden of proof in insurance fraud cases was the topic of a recent Florida opinion in a case in which the State appealed the dismissal of its charges against the defendant. If you are accused of committing fraud, it is in your best interest to consult a St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney to evaluate what defenses you may be able to assert.

Facts of the Case

It is reported that the defendant was involved in a car crash in July 2016. He reported the accident to his insurer twice, and both times stated his car had been stolen and he was not driving it at the time of the collision. The insurer received the police report regarding the crash, though, which stated he was driving when it occurred. The insurer relied on the report and paid it out under the defendant’s collision coverage. The State ultimately charged the defendant with filing a false insurance claim. The defendant then moved to dismiss the charges on the grounds that the State failed to allege that the insurer relied on his false statements. The court granted the motion, and the State appealed.

Elements of Insurance Fraud in Florida

On appeal, the appellate court reversed the trial court ruling. The court explained that the statute was clear and unambiguous, and therefore, must be given its obvious and plain meaning. In relevant part, the statute stated that a person commits insurance fraud if they present any oral or written statement to the insurer in support of a claim, with the knowledge that it contains false, misleading, or incomplete information. Continue reading →

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If law enforcement suspects that people are engaged in unlawful activity within a residence, they will typically obtain a warrant to search the property and seize any evidence of illegal behavior. The police must have more than a hunch that a person is breaking the law to obtain a warrant, though, and if a warrant is issued without just cause, any evidence obtained via the subsequent search may be inadmissible. Recently, a Florida court explained what constitutes reasonable suspicion for the purposes of issuing a warrant, in a case in which the defendant moved to suppress evidence that led to numerous theft and weapons charges, on the basis that the court lacked adequate grounds to issue a warrant. If you are charged with a theft crime, it is advisable to speak to a St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney to determine what you can do to protect your rights.

The Defendant’s Charges

Allegedly, the police searched the defendant’s home pursuant to a warrant and found firearms, weapons paraphernalia, evidence of fraud, and electronic identity theft devices. The defendant was subsequently charged with aggravated identity theft and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon in violation of federal law. He moved for suppression of the evidence obtained via the warrant. The case was referred to a magistrate judge, who issued a report recommending that the court deny the motion. The defendant filed objections in response to the recommendation. The court ultimately found the defendant’s objections unavailing and denied his motion.

Reasonable Suspicion in Criminal Cases

Under the Fourth Amendment, warrants will not be issued absent probable cause, supported by an affirmation or oath that specifically describes the place to be searched and the things or people to be seized. Probable cause to issue a search warrant is present when the circumstances, taken as a whole, demonstrate that there is a fair likelihood that evidence of a crime or contraband will be found in a particular case. Continue reading →

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Many people who have a criminal history are prohibited from owning or purchasing weapons. Thus, they can be charged with crimes if they are caught with guns in their possession. They can also face criminal accusations for lying to arms dealers to obtain weapons, and depending on the facts of the case, may face significant penalties. This was demonstrated in a recent Florida case, in which a court issued an opinion discussing sentencing enhancements for the crime of making false statements to a firearms dealer. If you are charged with a weapons offense, it is smart to meet with a St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney to discuss your potential defenses.

Facts of the Case

It is reported that the defendant attempted to purchase a rifle from a gun shop in Pensacola. As part of the process of buying the gun, he was asked to undergo a background check, which he failed. Thus, he was denied the right to purchase the gun.

Allegedly, a review of the form the defendant completed for the background check revealed that he lied on a question regarding whether he was subject to any order restraining him from stalking, harassing, or threatening an intimate partner. Thus, the defendant was charged with making a false statement to an arms dealer in violation of federal law. He entered a guilty plea but later appealed his sentence arguing that the State did not establish that the sentencing enhancements were warranted. Continue reading →

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Many people who are charged with crimes want to fight to clear their names and prove they are not guilty. In some cases, though, it may be prudent for a person charged with a crime to consider accepting an offer of a reduced sentence in exchange for an admission of guilt. While accepting a plea deal is often the best option, it is important for people contemplating entering into such agreements to understand the implications of their decision as well as their rights.  If you are charged with a crime, it is advisable to speak to a St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to evaluate your options.

What is a Plea Deal in Florida?

A plea deal is essentially an agreement in which a criminal defendant agrees to enter a certain plea for which the prosecutor agrees to provide a benefit, which may be reduced charges or a lesser penalty. In other words, pursuant to Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.171, prosecutors may negotiate with either criminal defendants, if they are not represented by counsel, or their attorneys if they are, to come to an agreement that, if the defendant pleads guilty or no contest to a certain charge or lesser offense, the prosecution will either abandon any other charges, agree to suggest or decline to oppose the defendant’s request for a specific sentence, agree to a certain sentence, or speak to the victim and other interested parties and inform the judge of their views.

Prosecutors have broad discretion over whether to offer defendants plea agreements and are not obligated to do so. Prosecutors do have an obligation to let the judge know the material facts of the case, including the defendant’s background, before the judge is also required to let the trial judge know about all material facts related to both the crime and the defendant’s background before the judge can accept a plea, however. Continue reading →