Articles Posted in Marijuana Crimes

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Florida, like many states, allows people to use marijuana for medicinal purposes but outlaws recreational use. In other words, people can still be charged for crimes for certain marijuana-related activities. Additionally, there is sometimes a stigma attached to the use of marijuana, regardless of whether it is for medicinal purposes. Thus, it is important for people in Florida who currently have or are considering seeking a medical marijuana card to understand their rights under the law. If you are accused of a marijuana offense, it is smart to meet with a capable St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney to determine what defenses you may be able to assert.

Can You Be Arrested for Using Marijuana if You Have a Medical Marijuana Card?

People authorized to consume medical marijuana must nonetheless abide by the laws regarding its use. For example, they cannot possess, use, or administer marijuana that was not obtained from a medical marijuana treatment center. Additionally, there are certain places that people cannot use marijuana, such as any form of public transportation or in any public place unless they are using low-THC cannabis that is not in a form intended for smoking. They also cannot use it on a school bus or vehicle, or school grounds. Finally, they cannot use it in indoor workplaces or a place of employment unless it is permitted by the employer.

Is Marijuana Use Permitted During Probation?

People who are placed on probation following convictions are typically prohibited from using illicit drugs. While recreational marijuana use is still not permitted for people on probation, those sentenced to probation can lawfully use marijuana if they have valid medical marijuana cards. Continue reading →